Monday, January 18, 2010


         Mandala (Sanskrit: "circle-circumference" or "completion") is a spiritual and ritual significance in both Buddhism and Hinduism. The term is of Hindu origin and appears in the Rig Veda as the name of the sections of the work, but is also used in other Indian religions, particularly Buddhism. In various spiritual traditions, mandalas may be employed for focusing attention of aspirants and adepts, as a spiritual teaching tool, for establishing a sacred space, and as an aid to meditation and trance induction. It helps one "to access progressively deeper levels of the unconscious, ultimately assisting the meditator to experience a mystical sense of oneness with the ultimate unity from which the cosmos in all its manifold forms arises"

         Ancient writings and artifacts (including certain monuments) make it clear that a cycle of 40 days was once carefully time tracked.

        Pyramid Spiritual societies Movement carefully analysed this concept and started using this Mandala Dhyana Programmes right from its origin very carefully. Pyramid masters at various locations had conducted 41-days Mandala Dhyana Programmes and has helped many meditators to become masters. During this Mandala sessions the body system gets acquainted to the continuity and thereby receiving the every benefit of the meditation method.

         For each and every CELL in the body to understand the depth of Meditation, mandala period is very important. Most of the deep level of unconscious portion of mind can be tracked and corrected with meditation in Mandala Dhyana. Astral travelling, Third eye experiences, telepathy and many more spiritual experiences can be easily experienced during this period as the record says. Every centre and every meditation hall should start Mandala Dhyana programmes and get the maximum benefit our of Meditation is the message from Brahmarshi Patriji.

         Pyramid spiritual societies Movement, a unique scientific and new age movement has grasped the concept of Mandala at its roots and it became a scientific significance for the Pyramid Masters.

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